patterns & tracks (urls)

\:/:/:/:/:/:\:|:/:/ comment: so here in the Great White North, one year all of the sudden many people on local television were complaining about the fact that there is snow in Minnesota. i had never heard anyone in my life complain about snow in Minnesota, as if it was a negative event. who are these people? when did the population get replaced? - and it seemed that another kind of person now existed in the area who was fundamentally not from here else did not belong, and hopefully finds a place they like better. rather than stand in snow complaining about it. so take an event X that has certain functioning and variables, that could even be its nature, what makes it what it is (X). thus, X=snow. and then consider a place (MN) as being invariably tied to this condition, such that MN=X within a certain range of parameters, say 'wintertime'. and for many, as long as they have shelter, warm clothes and boots, it can be an enjoyable time. if not, you may not survive. though snow and winter have profound aesthetic value as a transformation from what is known into another realization and understanding of the same place, within differing parameters (light, color, temperature, clothing, transportation, etc). so living in the north can be an education in itself, knowing about winter, learning from it. the larger situation is repeated elsewhere. in particular, in educational contexts that have also migrated online as a type of disapproval of certain natural functioning and awareness. most notably, discussion groups online where a given [topic] will then have limits placed upon its exploration, even though inquiries may fall squarely within a given domain. and to this my response is similar: who are these people, where did they come from? for instance, the basic principles of [disciplines] such as architecture can be censored in discussion or other areas (cultural, technological) because it falls outside the artificial lines or boundaries so conceived by a given ~managing population. such that 'the ideas' cannot be discussed, in their natural habitat, which instead relies upon a definition of a place such that: place=not-X. or in other words: topic = not-topic. insofar as it challenges a given ideological boundary. and this can be as unnatural as believing 'snow is bad' in Minnesota- fundamentally unnatural as a viewpoint. yet so too, 'architecture is bad' for architecture, and onward. 'security is bad for security' etc. and perhaps this is evident in boundaries that are upheld and constructed, maintained, such that certain issues and ideas cannot be discussed due to enforcement of limits, and these may not have anything to do with secrecy via NDA and instead, of wrong ideas and thinking that challenge the status quo interpretation and belief system (religion as state, essentially), yet that substitutes a condition of truth with another, a pseudo-version that is fake, unreal by comparison, and yet upheld as the basis for relation and exchange. in that, having a negative view of snow in Minnesota, at least for me and those i have known, is going against what makes this place what it is, in its depth and connection with the area. and viewing 'ideas' as negative that have this connection with a given topic or understanding, likewise, unnatural and out-of-place. indicative of other dissonance, ungrounded relations. to forbid 'ideas' of crypto within discussion of cryptography, poo-pooing it, for instance, would be an interesting realm to consider for how deep this disconnection could go, thus revealing a surface relation or deception reliant upon the not-X condition to sustain itself, or in this case, the need for insecurity, obscurity, unknowing, disconnection, as vital to the ruse. all such betrayels of truth reveal themselves in how truth is related to, observed or ignored. consider in this context, then, how might the government ever combat issues of 'cyberspace' if its relation with electromagnetism was never allowed to be established; such that: cyberspace = not-EM on NSA interview on 60 minutes: it was stated that the interconnection between various computer analysis systems (metadata) was needed to get the 'whole picture', in that it is necessary to engage the situation at the scale it exists. without this, conceptual blindness due to limits or boundaries that prevent greater understanding of how things relate. now consider an entire university system, education system down to gradeschool, that is forbidden from uniting its metadata beyond compartmented views. that is essentially the condition today that enforces illiteracy and makes it impossible to reason about advanced situations beyond finite language games: culture = not-EM everything that is connected via electromagnetism, and interdisciplinary via shared structure and order of truth, is denied by its lack of inclusion, allowance, and validation by authority - and get this: on the basis for superior (private) belief based upon what amounts to religious opinion, that instead censors truth so that this wider viewpoint cannot be established. leave it up to some girls in gradeschool to challenge the paradigm on a science project, the very situation that cannot be addressed through reason otherwise, due to issues of power. the NSA gets its integrated metadata. the citizens and education system does not. this is to include EMF hazards and electropollution in relation to telecoms and telephony, etc. what about metadata of [this] connected with contradictory data of [that], working all of it out. --:--: correlations :--:-- [video] Start-stop traffic helps penguin huddles grow // if these analogous skills are not yet carried over into computing // models, scenarios, analyses, the core concepts should be. think // of how biomimetics influences drones and robots, and how the // realm of detection, data tracking, movement has direct corollary, // if not even transponders and tagging within a virtual approach... Outdoor Action Guide to Animal Tracking Outdoor Action Animal Tracking Cards note: irony of shtml; could see augmented reality apps helpful to snapshot tracks, then database search and output hypotheses, could be useful for mass inventorying by park rangers else a SETI-like wildlife census by people in their local vicinities where people can volunteer data for others research studies rel. [image] snow music A story written in the snow... Another story written in the snow / (not-pc) _._._._._._ God particle signal is simulated as sound / via hh note: first sample gives glass harmonica a run for its currency; the second sample adds thunder tube in with harmonium; third sample as if Laurie Spiegel electronic music composition // must be a parable in there somewhere... Non-transitive dice _._._._._._ bit (digital/binary) weighting, sliding-scale, gradient/strain-gage (analog) in context of loop --- (my naive questioning) --- is crypto used for online communications modeled in conceptual 'flatland' or flat earth scenario, how do the relational approaches exist dimensionally or are the relations based on 2d dynamics and flow patterns to what extent are _diagrams of relational exchange flattened into a single layer or approach even while having various features and different functionality (hierarchical nested sets) could there be a conceptual limit or fixed approach that starts considerations and modeling of dynamics in a given domain/mindset and never leaves or goes beyond/outside it // archeology, patterns, code, programming, language, culture... [video] The Cyrus Cylinder: An Artifact Ahead of Its Time - {This relic from ancient Persia had a profound influence on the Founding Fathers) The Monolithic Sculptures of Data Viz Whiz Edward Tufte Snowden: NSA's indiscriminate spying 'collapsing' / via drudgereport [quote] "There is a huge difference between legal programs, legitimate spying ... and these programs of dragnet mass surveillance that put entire populations under an all-seeing eye and save copies forever," he wrote. "These programs were never about terrorism: they're about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They're about power." [unquote] --- electromagnetism & culture --- It’s a Man’s World, And It Always Will Be / via drudgereport [quote] Over the past century, it was labor-saving appliances, invented by men and spread by capitalism, that liberated women from daily drudgery. [unquote] note: there is a tremendous story in electrification of household and city that someday should become general knowledge because there is a lot to learn about technology, social relations, culture through greater understanding of the daily inhabited environment; (the book Electrifying America by David E. Nye is one such account) for instance, you could take any appliance or artifact and map it out, back to previous dynamics, say a ice box compared to e-refrigerator, or iron heated on fire to electric iron, its relation to laundry room of washing machine and dryer. how these effected social roles, etc. e.g. electrical desk light, radio, computer, home alarm systems. note also: importance of certain items connected to ecosystems, say alarm system with external security monitoring and police. the relations be mapped out via typology: tools, buildings, and systems. in architecture a big event was the geometric relation in the kitchen between sink, refrigerator and stove in a triangular arrangement... Kitchen work triangle it should also be mentioned that this type of 'feedback' is potentially possible and valuable in any work or routine process, where it could function in more or less efficient or effective ways. and this can be connected to individual lives or managerial issues within companies that either allow for such local perspective or seek a top-down model where the viewpoint and ideas only originate from a given vantage, and this could distinguish an intelligent and adaptive organization from a rigid approach that is stuck in time and ultimately overtaken by others innovation- thus relation of processes and functioning with business philosophy, application of principles, their mediation that can have economic, social, political effects, un-shared beliefs, &c. (for instance, a worker in a production process has insight into how it is and is not effective and can offer feedback for tweaks, improvement or not allowing this and having that inefficiency/ineffectiveness built-in and then normalized, including as relational ideology, that can limit the engagement with the situation or force disengagement, detachment. in other word, testable hypotheses of flow and routine functioning or are these unquestioned and enforced to uphold given social relation) likewise, what may appear only commonsense today - having enough room to maneuver in the kitchen and use appliances effectively - can extend as a conceptual question into the present and future day, such as how the pantry, kitchen, and e-commerce in an automated scenario. this was part of the idea for the Asperger Management System (AMS), whereby a home computer system (data furnace) would use A.I. to bid on restocking pantry, perhaps even in a financial market sense, where 'group bids' for a local community could exist to purchase wholesale, and so an exchange could develop and suppliers to fill the contracts. this would then integrate the 'intelligent refrigerator' with pantry, and then have an A.I. data furnace device manage routine orders, based on patterns that could include weather, past price history. and of course a dwelling would need a way to store/allow packages when people are away from home, to allow deliveries at any time. note here the vital role of both encryption and security protocols. (this leading to how existing courier/shipping services function, in that people can wait all day for an e-commerce shipment to arrive when instead an e-commerce portal or secure drop box could exist, and before that, wireless updates when a driver is on their way to a destination, providing a 30 minute window or lead-time vs. 8 hrs via wi-fi and network-based updates of when a package may arrive) _._._._._._ Make a contact mic with baking soda and cream of tartar // hard to imagine there would be no scaled macro-effects, // especially in charged atmosphere, if not influence on dust, // wildlife sensing, peoples mental states, invisible toxic smog // more dangerous than black sky of 18th c. industrial revolution What If You Could See Your Cellular Network? // via hh note: this is cellular network only, apparently. now imagine many if not most online/broadband households having wi-fi turned on, whether or not in use, HDTVs, printers, audio gear, computers, routers, at the level of the household. would be interesting to know # of wi-fi device per, as statistical average then extrapolate. (great that engineers involved in this art-research visualization) now what if with GIS and GPS every antenna lease could be mapped into grid and antenna/radiation patterns mapped locally. such as: look at schoolkids environment, top floors of apartments, etc. this information should be open to the public and 3d visualized // author Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov on public libraries. // internet as public library, yet those access fees, esp. mobile data* "I don't believe in colleges and universities" - updated [*thing is, if you are not a phone talker, a mobile phone makes little sense especially if main use would be mobile data, which is made so economically infeasible, so hostile to lookup of data, the hurdles to just sustain massive locked-in access prior to any data, removes value of info or turns it into an extreme luxury only elites can access beyond chained to wi-fi providers, which is yet another service provider reduplicating access, only for mobile and only in limited zones, at least in this area. then again: EMF POLLUTION. basically there is tremendous downside to the entire scheme for citizens, they get irradiated, swamped by harmful EMFs, yet access is uncorrelated to this ubiquitous hierarchical covering of the landscape, no useful signals] [image] "Cross sea" and "cross swell" [image] --- ze kollider funktion --- [image] R. Crumb's A Short History of America (original) [image] Special report: G2 in Crumbland,15830,1430854,00.html -- more... Robert Crumb R. Crumb Poster: A Short History of America -- 15 panel version The Seven Chakras of R. Crumb --- crypto email & et al --- reading of how crypto systems could be implemented for email, perhaps to include chat and file transfers even, alike with web browser functionality and perhaps extending it with SSL secure icon that validates connection status. anything short of this would appear too complicated for ordinary users. that is, a simple icon that is pressed or depressed to decrypt or encrypt/re-encrypt information within a personal computer operating system slash desktop environment, moving to mobile operating system and its micro UI likewise. of anyone who could implement such a simple interface for managing crypto it would be Apple, Inc. and yet, then again, the problem remains of 'the keychain' paradigm as a basis for managing keys, certificates, passwords and other items that has remained a mystery to me. in that its use is not apparent to the uninitiated, though it supposedly performs some function or other, though it appears manual, requiring management and maintenance and knowledge of what to use it for and how- efficiently and effectively. and that is the missing information though also an area of non-Mac like roughness in functionality, in that encryption does not appear to be part of the seamless experience on par with importing GarageBand files into iTunes or email or something such- versus protecting identity, privacy, information, files from illegal snooping and intrusion. as if essentially leaving the bank vault open for any visitors. though the entire drive can be encrypted on the fly, data that is sent and received is not automated this way, as far as could be understood via the basic feature set and settings. (it should be said of Apple, of the great hardware innovation since the 1980s, and nearly no innovation in the operating system itself as paradigm, remaining file and folder junk drawer and thus stalled out conceptually in terms of information organization and 'tools for thinking' beyond ongoing bureaucratization, where the CPU binary approach itself is determining and limiting functionality, and cannot be altered from its existing course as solidified, seemingly. in that a new computer architecture likely needs to be introduced to make basic changes to the informational paradigm, what can be done vs. what is done as it continues to be done) on the Macintosh platform it appears possible that a basic 'icon' approach could work, such that in any given application a 'lock' or 'secure' status could be engaged/disengaged, when wanting to send/read/write an encrypted email, or decrypt a file, or communicate via chat. and that whatever data is involved, archived or store, could likely be held in a vault that is encrypted outside the normal whole-disk encryption, whether emails or files, and that this would be locked by default (apparently this is part of Keychain management functionality, if not mistaken, at least for passwords). in other words, a computer user could decide they want to write a secure message via email and press an icon (aka switch or button) that changes the visual interface to a new state, a phase change indicating 'secure session' (say a gray striped bar occurs around the perimeter of the windowpane) and then when the document is either closed and saved (changing phase again, say black striped bar aside filename) or sent, that this document is secured automatically by protocol, such that once the decision for security is made, it is automatically followed through as a process and thus the email would automatically lock-down before being transmitted, and upon receipt by another would need to be unlocked to be read, and when closed would relock itself via encryption scheme. and any such documents or files would be held in a secure information vault and could be accessed via a security manager interface that would be integrated into various software, including mobile. therefore, once logged onto a computer (identity validated via perhaps advanced measures such as biometrics and-or other) then a person could just click the icon to access or compose data, and not need to worry about keys or authentication, though perhaps an additional layer could exist as a security option (prior to sending or opening) if need be. say fingerprint scanner beside computer, to unlock files to read or send via email. anything less than this - of a computer vender who controls the OS and hardware and can unify and embed the 'security infrastructure' within an existing ecosystem - probably could not control enough factors to make it work in these ecosystem terms. that is, a basic unified experience from start to finish in the exchange or dynamics of interaction. Apple can. and if Apple can, within its own OS-iOS platform, then others can follow up, which would enable cross-platform functionality within given standards- whatever they may be. without this self-contained trial of 'icon'-based crypto and working through the usability issues - so that it is dead simple and effective - which is what Apple excels at, rolling out such 'solutions' in a larger realm would likely be met with unmatching interactions and the problems of fragmentation that limit such cross-platform exchange in shared standards and-or frameworks and security definitely loses out, or is non-existent, due to such dynamics. in that if even different computers cannot trust one another, how can people be expected to. so how could a 'secure file' be sent to another if the computers themselves do not have enough trust to establish, manage, or maintain this connection. it would appear a systematic approach is required that can then be extended once it is worked out as a security process, vetted by professionals, to allow a new level or layer of personal security in response to the issues and problems of ubiquitous surveillance, to design a private perimeter that extends beyond -bank transactions online-and involves all data of value that requires security, more protection and limits from unauthorized and non-legal snooping, seizure, and manipulation. -:-:-:-:-:- Crows could be the key to understanding alien intelligence / via hh Your wireless router could be murdering your houseplants / via digg ('An experiment by a handful of high school students in Denmark')
moral of story: keep chia pet away from router & mobiles phones??
{educational fair-use of copyright, 2013} endomorph Rutherford citral
participants (1)
brian carroll