training grounds and basic training for cypherpunks
can the millenials get a clue? methinks maybe not but as there may be one or two of them who are NOT soft in the head I invite those to read , where freedom of speech comes in conflict with the tradegy of the commons, there were indeed a lot of valuable lessons learned from detweilers actions and those in opposition to same. perhaps some millenials can get a clue about killfiles(course you take a chance of missing the creation of memes and subsequent modification of same and cypherpunks is ALL about memes.) While the whole snowden affair is most certainly interesting, cypherpunks do things anonymously and pseudoanonymously, we have been embedded in some of the largest government agencies as well as some of the largest and smallest corps. Thing is for all the NDA and loyalty oaths you cant tell when someone comes over to the darkside quietly nowaday especially if they were always using tor to browse anyway and that of course in and of itself will come to be regarded as suspicious Just as using PGP was always suspicious too few using it.. and a LOT of those on insecure platforms. All the recent meme introduction both signal and noise memes have resulted in some interesting side discussions about censorship vs moderation which I suspect is what the postings were intended to produce. anon
participants (1)
Anonymous Remailer (austria)