[WAR] Israel now targetting Palestinians, Syrian military and civilians
Israel knows no restraint, and no amount of middle eastern land shall ever be enough - from the great Pyramid to the Euphrates river, Israel shall continue to conduct their ISIS operations and land grab expansionist policy, at least until a little international unity against Israel is witnessed on the world front. No wonder Saudi Arabia's got balls - with USA and Israel behind them. Note also how at the bottom the tweeter calls Israeli-occupied Western Syria "northen Israel". http://theduran.com/breaking-israel-attacks-syrian-arab-army-from-the-occupi... BREAKING: Israel attacks Syrian Arab Army from the occupied Golan Heights
Israelgate picking up pace... (The cynical might imagine that burying this story is the real reason the (((very fake news CNN))) has been spearheading the MSM death spiral - dang conspiracy theorists - when -will- they learn?! It --is-- the 11th commandment after all: Thou shalt NOT, under ANY circumcizions, criticize Israel! There, cleared that up for ya. ) ** US threats to Syria are Israelgate NOT Russiagate http://theduran.com/us-threats-syria-israelgate-not-russiagate/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Recent US statements threatening to attack the Syrian government have the mark of Israeli meddling written all over them. ** The reasons and perils of Israel’s dangerous game in Syria http://theduran.com/reasons-perils-israel-dangerous-game-syria/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Israel's bombing of Syrian positions in the Golan Heights is part of a strategy of creating an Al-Qaeda controlled buffer zone as Israel's strategic position deteriorates in light of the pending victory of the Syrian government in the Syrian war.
The USA's Nickey Haley demon-prost-strates her stuff as a pre-cog - she's putting that dang Scientologist Tom Cruise ta shame ya all hear?! Da future is vibrant, and it's Nickey Haley. ((( This message certified by Nickey Haley, recently certified as the #1 certified hissing weasel of the USA, yes two letters - read 'em, U, S and A! ))) ** US Ambassador to UN, Nikki Haley pre-blames Assad, Russia, and Iran for a future chemical weapons attack in Syria (http://theduran.com/us-ambassador-to-the-un-nikki-haley-pre-warns-and-pre-bl...) ------------------------------------------------------------ Nikki Haley pre-warns Assad, Russia and Iran about a chemical attack which has not yet happened. (Least it's clear to all who the (((Grand Hissess))) works for.) (Y'all wanted vibrancy? Oh ... well, here ya go: vibrant enrichment - surprisingly, teenage girl is "taken aback" https://www.youtube.com/embed/D96M0AKzoVM all I can say is, plenty of cultural enrichment happenin in the grande ole ewe ess of eh ) Fail to handle your statutes? Fail to handle your belligerent state? This is where your freedom will go: ** WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO shows police in Venezuela gun down a protestor at point blank range http://theduran.com/warning-graphic-video-shows-police-in-venezuela-gun-down...
The best thing about the turmoil and shake ups in the last few years is that a lot of exposure of true intentions are being seen, take Israel for a completely random example totally unrelated to the thread ... Israel's gamble to try to split up Syria with this war has not only completely failed, but they've managed, despite the reality on the ground prior to the war, to recreate a well trained and battle hardened military authority (of the Arabic world) on their doorstep - and this newly forged opponent of Israel was the only hold out since as far back as the 60s of Israel's neighbours in consistently refusing to sign a peace treaty with Israel (Egypt and Jordan both did so). Karma's a bitch as they say, so it seems it's no wonder that Israel's air force is now actively, repeatedly providing direct offensive air support to Al-Qaeda in the Golan Heights - as Israel's 4th claim in a week of "some Syrian army shells landed in West Syrian fields (Golan Heights) harming absolutely no one (as Syria was fighting Al-Qaeda), so we flew another sortie to bomb the fruck out of the Syrian army", wears just a little bit "thin". "Auschwitz hath no shame like a failed clandestine Israeli war on a sovereign middle estern state." Anon. The reasons and perils of Israel’s dangerous game in Syria [Well cross referenced by source links.] http://theduran.com/reasons-perils-israel-dangerous-game-syria/ One of the most important things to have happened in the Syrian war over the last few months is that the veil of Israel’s neutrality in the war has been thrown off. ... Israeli leaders have also spoken about all it with refreshing directness and frankness which one never gets from the leaders of the West. Consider for example the public admission in January 2016 of Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon that he would rather see the victory of ISIS in Syria than the perpetuation of Iranian influence there. Israel acts to block Syrian counter offensive against Al-Qaeda http://theduran.com/israel-acts-block-syrian-counter-offensive-al-qaeda/ Israeli air force carries out air strike on Syrian army positions in the Golan Heights seeking to prevent Israel's Al-Qaeda allies from being overrun by a Syrian counter attack.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness