[MONEY] tick tock ... jump ship if you still can → USA with $210 trillion in unfunded liabilities
No new surprises, just larger figures than most are aware - future spending promises of military, pensions, public services etc total $210,000,000,000,000.00, i.e. $210 trillion, in today's money. Implosion imminent, for ❴any time now ←—→ up to a few years❵ values of “imminent”. Good luck all, "You May Be Hopping Mad When You Finish Reading This" http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-08/210-trillion-problem-you-may-be-hop... … The fiscal gap is the present value of all projected future expenditures less the present value of all projected future taxes. The fiscal gap is calculated over the infinite horizon. But since future expenditures and taxes far off in the future are being discounted, their contribution to the fiscal gap is smaller the farther out one goes. The $210 trillion figure is based on the Congressional Budget Office’s July 2014 Alternative Fiscal Scenario projections, which I extended beyond their 75-year horizon. The journalists used a very poorly researched analysis, which fit their political bias (shocking, I know). Apparently they take that fabricated analysis more seriously than they do the views of 17 Nobel Laureates in economics and over 1200 PhD economists from MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Chicago, Berkeley, Yale, Columbia, Penn, and lesser known universities and colleges around the country. Each of these economists has endorsed The Inform Act, a bi-partisan bill that requires the CBO, GAO, and OMB to do infinite horizon fiscal gap accounting on a routine and ongoing basis. Now why would 17 Nobel Laureates and over 1200 US economists, all listed by name at www.theinformact.org, including many, like Jeff Sachs, who lean to the left, and others, like Glenn Hubbard, who lean to the right, endorse infinite horizon accounting. Because they understand something that I told Michelle repeatedly and have also told Bruce Barlett repeatedly. The fiscal gap is the only measure of our fiscal position that is mathematically well-defined. Every other fiscal measure, including fiscal gaps calculated over any finite horizon, such as the CBO’s 25-year fiscal gap Michelle references, are not mathematically well defined. The infinite horizon is mathematically well defined because it is the same number no matter what choice of internally consistent fiscal words we use to label government receipts and payments. Moreover, the infinite horizon fiscal gap is the only measure of our fiscal policy’s sustainability that puts everything on the books. It is also the only measure of our fiscal policy’s sustainability that is invariant to the choice of words. …
The midnight bell shall toll ... soon my precious, soon…… Tsunami of Finance: German Expert Warns of Imminent Collapse of 'World Casino' https://sputniknews.com/analysis/201710121058158469-financial-tsunami-global... Here's a couple tasters: "In the last 30 years it has become a huge casino in which money is simply pushed back and forth. Since the system is built on loans that need to be serviced, more and more money must be pumped into the system. The central banks, such as the IMF or the ECB, are the largest manipulators of the financial system. They are printing more and more money, which they now offer for zero or negative interest rates." "You mustn't lose yourself in the details, you have to see the big picture. With derivatives, for example, there are all sorts of options — puts, options, calls, swaps. You don't have to know all the differences. You just have to know that derivatives are financial betting. And this huge bookmaker threatens us all."
We're gettin’ very close folks - the the U$$ Titanic is about to find an iceberg in them thar global reserve currency oceans: China to ‘Compel’ Saudi Arabia to Accept Yuan for Its Oil http://russia-insider.com/en/china-compel-saudi-arabia-accept-yuan-its-oil/ri21326?ct=t(Russia_Insider_Daily_Headlines11_21_2014)&mc_cid=47d3590cc1&mc_eid=5110f4b440 “This week, a leading economist predicted a major paradigm shift, as Carl Weinberg, chief economist and managing director at High Frequency Economics told CNBC that China will “compel” Saudi Arabia to abandon the petrodollar, and instead, begin trading oil in yuan—a move he says is likely to precipitate the rest of the oil market following suit and abandoning the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency.” And with the Kurds in Iraq walking out of Kirkuk, Syrian Kurds now negotiating directly with Assad and Russia, and Turkey giving an ongoing ignominious middle finger to the USA and doing a clean up in Idlib, the US is just about done with the CIA's regime change, and ME country carve-up hopes… Throw in a crypto Rouble — seriously, most normal folks are not interested in DC for trading fluctuations - they just want to store their shekels in a stable way, and purchase some doodads online, and with the USD about to suffer, trillions may very soon find their way into the crypto Rouble.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness