Homeland Security records show 'shocking' use of phone data, ACLU says
Homeland Security records show 'shocking' use of phone data, ACLU says https://share.newsbreak.com/1gj8uwno In just three days in 2018, documents show that the CBP collected data from more than 113,000 locations from phones in the Southwestern United States — equivalent to more than 26 data points per minute — without obtaining a warrant. | Lindsay Whitehurst/AP Photo Updated: 07/18/2022 03:30 PM EDT The Trump administration’s immigration enforcers used mobile location data to track people’s movements on a larger scale than previously known, according to documents that raise new questions about federal agencies’ efforts to get around restrictions on warrantless searches. The data, harvested from apps on hundreds of millions of phones, allowed the Department of Homeland Security to obtain data on more than 336,000 location data points across North America, the documents show. Those data points may reference only a small portion of the information that CBP has obtained.These data points came from all over the continent, including in major cities like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Denver, Toronto and Mexico City. This location data use continued into the Biden administration, as Customs and Border Protection renewed a contract for $20,000 that ended in September 2021. The American Civil Liberties Union obtained the records from DHS through a lawsuit it filed in 2020 . It provided the documents to POLITICO and separately released them to the public on Monday . The documents highlight conversations and contracts between federal agencies and the surveillance companies Babel Street and Venntel. Venntel alone boasts that its database includes location information from more than 250 million devices. The documents also show agency staff having internal conversations about privacy concerns on using phone location data.
60 per person per day, in the article, its docs may offer other rates, hardly matters, cellco's have plenty more they give away top-secret, FISA was never really stopped, just transfigured. https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/new-records-detail-dhs-purchase... https://www.aclu.org/cases/aclu-v-department-homeland-security-commercial-lo... https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000182-10fd-d06c-afbb-95fdce930000 https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000182-10ff-d914-a1af-78ff70810000 https://docs.house.gov/meetings/IF/IF17/20220623/114958/BILLS-117-8152-P0000... https://legislation.politicopro.com/bill/US_117_HR_8152 https://legislation.politicopro.com/bill/US_117_S_1265 https://techcrunch.com/2022/07/18/homeland-security-cell-phone-tracking/ https://themarkup.org/privacy/2021/09/30/theres-a-multibillion-dollar-market... https://www.wsj.com/articles/federal-agencies-use-cellphone-location-data-fo... https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/the-u-s-government-is-secretly-u... https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/22/supreme-court-warrants-cell-phone-... https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/hamedaleaziz/ice-dhs-cell-phone-data-tr... New Records Detail DHS Purchase and Use of Vast Quantities of Cell Phone Location Data Thousands of previously unreleased records illustrate how government agencies sidestep our Fourth Amendment rights. A photo of three cell phone towers in front of a sunset. July 18, 2022 Shreya Tewari, Brennan Fellow, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project Fikayo Walter-Johnson, Paralegal, ACLU's Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project Today, the ACLU published thousands of pages of previously unreleased records about how Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and other parts of the Department of Homeland Security are sidestepping our Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable government searches and seizures by buying access to, and using, huge volumes of people’s cell phone location information quietly extracted from smartphone apps. The records, which the ACLU obtained over the course of the last year through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, shed new light on the government’s ability to obtain our most private information by simply opening the federal wallet. These documents are further proof that Congress needs to pass the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act, which would end law enforcement agencies’ practice of buying their way around the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement. ICE’s and CBP’s warrantless purchase of access to people’s sensitive location information was first reported by The Wall Street Journal in early 2020. After the news broke, we submitted a FOIA request to DHS, ICE, and CBP, and we sued to force the agencies to respond to the request in December 2020. Although the litigation is ongoing, we are now making public the records that CBP, ICE, the U.S. Secret Service, the U.S. Coast Guard, and several offices within DHS Headquarters have provided us to date. The released records shine a light on the millions of taxpayer dollars DHS used to buy access to cell phone location information being aggregated and sold by two shadowy data brokers, Venntel and Babel Street. The documents expose those companies’ — and the government’s — attempts to rationalize this unfettered sale of massive quantities of data in the face of U.S. Supreme Court precedent protecting similar cell phone location data against warrantless government access. Four years ago, in Carpenter v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that the government needs a warrant to access a person’s cellphone location history from cellular service providers because of the “privacies of life” those records can reveal. That case hinged on a request for one suspect’s historical location information over a several-month period. In the documents we received over the past year, we found Venntel marketing materials sent to DHS explaining how the company collects more than 15 billion location points from over 250 million cell phones and other mobile devices every day. With this data, law enforcement can “identify devices observed at places of interest,” and “identify repeat visitors, frequented locations, pinpoint known associates, and discover pattern of life,” according to a Venntel marketing brochure. The documents belabor how precise and illuminating this data is, allowing “pattern of life analysis to identify persons of interest.” By searching through this massive trove of location information at their whim, government investigators can identify and track specific individuals or everyone in a particular area, learning details of our private activities and associations. The government should not be allowed to purchase its way around bedrock constitutional protections against unreasonable searches of our private information. In the face of the obvious privacy implications of warrantless access to this information, these companies and agencies go to great lengths to rationalize their actions. Throughout the documents, the cell phone location information is variously characterized as mere “digital exhaust” and as containing no “PII” (personally identifying information) because it is associated with a cell phone’s numerical identifier rather than a name — even though the entire purpose of this data is to be able to identify and track people. The records also assert that this data is “100 percent opt-in,” that cell phone users “voluntarily” share the location information, and that it is collected with consent of the app user and “permission of the individual.” Of course, that consent is a fiction: Many cell phone users don’t realize how many apps on their phones are collecting GPS information, and certainly don’t expect that data to be sold to the government in bulk. In scattered emails, some DHS employees raised concerns, with internal briefing documents even acknowledging that “[l]egal, policy, and privacy reviews have not always kept pace with the new and evolving technologies.” Indeed, in one internal email, a senior director of privacy compliance flagged that the DHS Office of Science & Technology appeared to have purchased access to Venntel even though a required Privacy Threshold Assessment was never approved. Several email threads highlight internal confusion in the agency’s privacy office and potential oversight gaps in the use of this data — to the extent that all projects involving Venntel data were temporarily halted because of unanswered privacy and legal questions. Nonetheless, DHS has pressed on with these bulk location data purchases. And the volume of people’s sensitive location information obtained by the agency is staggering. Among the records released to us by CBP were seven spreadsheets containing a small subset of the raw location data purchased by the agency from Venntel. (Although the location coordinates for each spreadsheet entry are redacted, the date and time of each location point are not.) The 6,168 pages of location records we reviewed contain approximately 336,000 location points obtained from people’s phones. For one three-day span in 2018, the records contain around 113,654 location points — more than 26 location points per minute. And that data appears to come from just one area in the Southwestern United States, meaning it is just a small subset of the total volume of people’s location information available to the agency. The documents also highlight particular privacy concerns for people living near our nation’s borders. A 2018 DHS internal document proposed using the location data to identify patterns of illegal immigration, threatening to indiscriminately sweep in information about people going about their daily lives in border communities. There is also the potential for local law enforcement entities to gain access to this large mass of data in ways that they would not usually be able to. This is illustrated by a troubling request to DHS from a local police department in Cincinnati, seeking location data analytics pertaining to opioid overdoses in their jurisdiction. DHS still owes us more documents, but whatever they show, it is already abundantly clear that law enforcement’s practice of buying its way around the core protections of the Fourth Amendment must stop. There is bipartisan legislation in Congress right now that would do exactly that. The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act would require the government to secure a court order before obtaining Americans’ data, such as location information from our smartphones, from data brokers. The principle here is simple: The government should not be allowed to purchase its way around bedrock constitutional protections against unreasonable searches of our private information. There is no end run around the Fourth Amendment. Lawmakers must seize the opportunity to end this massive privacy invasion without delay. Each day without action only allows the government’s covert trove of our personal information to grow. More in Privacy & Technology A close-up of a video surveillance unit set up in front of the U.S. Capitol building. Six Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Surveillance Technology U.S, Department of Homeland Security logo on a federal building. New National Security Programs, Same Old Dangerous Patterns Impending Threat of Abortion Criminalization Brings New Urgency to the Fight for Digital Privacy New Trends May Help TikTok Collect Your Personal, Unchangeable Biometric Identifiers Court Cases ACLU v. Department of Homeland Security (commercial location data FOIA) Updated: July 18, 2022 Status: Filed Related Issues Cell Phone Privacy Location Tracking Privacy & Technology Constitutional Principle Freedom of Information Act In December 2020, the ACLU and NYCLU filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking records from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and other parts of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) about their practice of purchasing cell phone location data collected from smartphone apps. Without users realizing it, apps regularly sell users’ location information to other, third-party companies like Venntel and Babel Street, who use it for marketing and other purposes. These third-party companies then compile and market the data to government agencies. In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled in Carpenter v. United States that the government needs a warrant to obtain cell phone location information from people’s cellular service providers due to the “near perfect surveillance” such information provides. Our FOIA lawsuit seeks information about how the government justifies its end run around the Supreme Court’s Fourth Amendment ruling, how it uses the location records, and what controls are in place to protect Americans’ privacy. Legal Documents District Court (S.D.N.Y.) FOIA litigation documents Documents produced by Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Documents produced by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Documents produced by Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Documents produced by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Criminal Division Documents produced by the Coast Guard (USCG) Documents produced by the Secret Service https://www.aclu.org/blog/privacy-technology/location-tracking/supreme-court... https://www.aclu.org/cases/aclu-v-department-homeland-security-commercial-lo... https://www.aclu.org/foia-document/foia-request-dhs-cbp-ice-cell-phone-locat... https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/the-u-s-government-is-secretly-u... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/1._2021-icli-00013_m... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/dhs_hq_21_09_records... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/production_1_reproce... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/production_1_reproce... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/production_3_reproce... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/production_5_reproce... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/sci._tech._directora... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/sci._tech._directora... https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/sci._tech._directora... https://www.wsj.com/articles/federal-agencies-use-cellphone-location-data-fo... https://www.wyden.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/The%20Fourth%20Amendment%20Is%20N...
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