2 Jan
2 Jan
4:43 p.m.
Seeing how netwarfare was developing I began demanding the surrender of the US govt in 2010. The demand has been the same for most of this time however - due to the delay - I added another condition a few years ago. The ' APster " acknowledgement. professor rat - 5 minutes ago ROGERS is now starting to look like an intellectual giant among pygmies. Still - since its a new year its time to send these morons another surrender demand ( for the 12th year in a row SIGHS ) Cryptoanarchist revolution to USG - free all Drug War prisoners and bring back PAM FutureMaps. Acknowledge " APster " as reason for doing this. Surrender Dorothy #Denning Over. Ante up or quit / double stakes or split / I know you've got to see me/ read em and weep