I'm interested in the insanity that would ensue from trying to get 'these populations' to agree on priorities for development efforts.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 10:21 AM, oshwm <> wrote:

On 07/10/15 14:25, Travis Biehn wrote:
> Normalizing / randomizing is fine. Anonymity sticks out, hasn't learned to
> blend in.
> Keyboard timing is way down the list gentlemans. If you want to avoid it,
> get drunk every time you use a webapp.

Fair point, has anyone ever produced a peer agreed priority ordered list
of privacy and anonymity threatening devices or software etc classified
with either solved/not solved?

It's a simple stupid question and I probably know the answer but is it
something needed so that globally all activists/coders/etc can work
through it?

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