On Fri, 6 Dec 2019 10:10:56 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
"It is not a coincidence that for the first 125 years of American life, there was no income tax, IRS, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, farm subsidies, education grants, drug laws, central planning, economic regulation, public schooling, Federal Reserve,"
for the first 100 years of americunt 'history' there was S L A V E R Y, land theft on a continental scale and ethnic cleansing. Not to mention national banks, tariffs (one of the causes of the civil war), puritan witch-burning psychos, and a long list of other crimes.
the bad faith of supreme scumbags like jakobo hornberger and americunt libertarians is infinite.
The above is actually conflation - conflating or associating two separate things as though one cancels out the other. Conflation is not useful to progressing an argument, although (if your interlocutor is insufficiently familiar with conflations) it can be useful to shut down a conversation.
there isn't any conflation. I linked an article from a fake libertarian babbling about 'american freedom'. I quoted a relevant part, but had you bothered to read the article you should have seen that piece of shit honber-whatever pretends that 'american liberty' was 'destroyed' at some point. So I pointed out that only the insane or the infinitely dishonest can pretend that there ever was any 'american liberty'. Unless they mean jefferson and franklin being 'free' to own slaves. Furthermore if you bothered to learn the history of banking in the US cesspool you'd know that the so called federal reserve was NOT the first state bank by any means and that govcorp banking fraud was widespread during the 19th century, though somewhat limited thanks to the gold standard. Here's another insane bit from that article "It wasn’t always this way in America. For more than 150 years, the American people lived under a governmental system in which federal officials lacked the power to deprive them of life, liberty, or property without due process of law " Have I ever mentioned slavery...and all the other crimes against humanity that honber's government commited. So again, what is this fucking nutcase talking about, please?
So we have various facts:
- pre-1913, no income tax, no Federal Reserve
did I mention that there were other government banks before that one?
- also pre-1913, slavery, ethnic cleansing etc
so there never was any 'american liberty'. And you can't destroy something that never existed. QED.
We don't throw out the facts surrounding the unconstitutional and illegal and immoral Federal Reserve,
I'm not doing that. I'm merely pointing out that the current US central bank is just that. The current one.
Now, once again, as you so kindly asked for me to do a little research for you and provide some readily clickable facts, I shall do so :)
Go actually do some research and learn about 19th century banking. While you're doing that, look up "bank of england", "bank of sweden" as well.
The Federal Reserve Act:
- is unconstitutional
lawl " Section 8 - Powers of Congress To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, " WHAHAHA - the worst scumbags on the planet have magically granted themselves the 'power' to 'coin' 'money', 'regulate' its 'value'(!!!!!) including 'foreign' money. The americunt consitution was a contract between slave owning criminals who 'granted' themselves the power to do whatever the fuck they wanted. Magic! "Section 10 - Powers prohibited of States No State shall ; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;" Now, what that means is that the 'power' to counterfeit 'money' has been transferred to the national government. The individual 'states' can't 'emit bills of credit', but the national govt (which is just the states...) can. Doublethink is doubleplusgood!!! Guess what? nor zerohedge nor any other piece of shit 'libertarian' will tell you any of this.