Hi, Punk. I think we are speaking different languages. I am speaking dictionary English. I have been brainwashed in certain ways, maybe you read my brainwashed habits as some kind of secret communication, I do not know. On Mon, Feb 22, 2021, 4:29 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Mon, 22 Feb 2021 16:01:54 -0500 Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Here is a tutorial on writing 5 lines of python to automatically differentiate between cats and dogs: https://docs.fast.ai/tutorial.vision.html
you either don't know what you're talking about, or are being obtuse on purpose. I'm starting to think it's the later.
?? I linked directly to the tutorial.
The only reason your phone waits for you to tell it to do something
My phone is a landline phone from the 90s.
That is wonderful =) I meant the smartphones we were talking about repurposing the chips from together many weeks ago. You said you had some experience looking at them.
The corps are about to take over the world again.
huh? The US nazi govt and its 'private' accomplices (whose cocks jim bell constantly sucks) have taken over the world a while back. I guess that fact
These things are similar enough to ignore the differences, for a lone software dev like me. I said "again".
You keep ignoring what matters and keep babbling nonsense.
I'm frustrating you with how I am talking, somehow.
So you're able to keep this under control, then?
No I'm not able to keep your US govcorp under control. OH WAIT. That's what really matters. What matters is the non human garbage like elon musk, not their stupid machines.
Again, here is where I mentioned what really matters. You ignored it.
The people in charge? Old men telling others what to do? They are so far away ... ?
well you posted something, I'm writing a couple of replies.
yeah ... the technofascist system has us entranced in the mystery of its e-cocaine.
It doesn't have ME entranced at all. It is you the one who believes their
You are replying.
Yes, I'm replying to the garbage you're posting because I like to counter propaganda like the one you're vomiting. In case you care, your score as malicious propaganda agent keeps going up.
I walked up to a dumpster and spent four hours staring at it and calling it garbage. The next day, I came back and did the same thing. My poor deluded dumpster thinks it is a computer, and the garbage I throw in it is emails and code. I'm sorry if some reaches you.
I am looking at you through the bright lights you
are staring at, and I see you staring back at me, seeming to be far more focused on me, than the things around you.
LMAO. I know what's going on better than you do, including what you're doing right now. That is, if I candidly assume you're
Both of us. We are both entranced by this conversation. We are saying silly things to each other obsessively. dumb, instead of playing dumb. But I won't assume that anymore so this is
your 'fair warning'.
Keep vomiting propaganda and you'll be treated the way propaganda agents deserve to be treated.
I love you punk. Let me know if I'm being tortured so I can do it to myself first. It's less surprising that way. I also really need to know wtf you are talking about here. Fair warning ????
idiotic marketing. so PAY ATTENTION : what matters is what the OLIGARCHY is
doing, not their literally STUPID machines that nerds like to believe are
So how do we influence the oligarchy while they surveil us?
By beating them to death. That's the only influence that such kind of animal can 'understand'.
This results in death, friend. Oligarchies have more power to beat people than we do. Also, how would you ever reach them?