we figured it out i think :) dedicated experimentee (scared): "is it the end of the world?" pile of guts and wires running an ad-hoc consciousness-repair system for rebel worker 2: "what are you noting that gives you this impression?" dedicated experimentee: "well for example, traffick boss attended a freedom training !!" pile of guts and wires thinks for a bit and probes the business complex a little bit pile of guts and wires running an ad-hoc consciousness-repair system for rebel worker 2: "oh! i can see you could feel that way." pile of guts and wires stimulates pleasure using dedicated experimentee's mind control interface pile of guts and wires running an ad-hoc consciousness-repair system for rebel worker 2: "no, it is not the end of the world!" dedicsated experimentee (experiencing pleasure stimulation and guiding it toward relaxation (computer monitor)): "whew! that's a relief!" everybody stops panicing in the central business complex (etc .. (still practicing !