-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 09/28/2016 09:03 PM, grarpamp wrote:
Try this one: https://vimeo.com/3554226 (+18)
Oh the horrors in the corners of the universe... lol. All societies and events perhaps not unexpected to develop over one way missions and millenia to propagate unconstrained and unregulated into the many greenfields of the universe...
https://science.slashdot.org/story/16/09/28/1540239/elon-musk-first-hu mans-who-journey-to-mars-must-be-prepared-to-die
...welcome to the new puritanical hotness. (ala puritans to greenfield america to practice freely story, blah blah.) Don't like your current environment?... just saddle up your rockets and go.
((fuck this list is off topic, ha))
What the hell, as long as we are already out here at L5... Be not led astray by false prophesies of a Martian Odyssey! Look rather to the Earth's dusty little twin as a potential destination for multi-year mission packages. Very soon we will have the technology... built for a Mars mission but it will most likely be used in our own backyard first. http://www.asi.org/adb/02/09/he3-intro.html Helium III: Very rare on Earth, common as dirt on the Moon. Grabbing enough of this very special isotope to build a fleet of commercial reactors and fuel them would be a potential history changer and an epic Bull Move. But if we tell the world we're going back to the Moon, everyone will figure out why and start crash programs of their own, so... Mars it is, for as long as possible before "diverting and redesigning" the mission. :o) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJX7HgnAAoJEECU6c5XzmuqmlMIAKfK+mBtmTrzYHyZ+j20700a RElnm5rEHwVZxEmLYIQm9A58nVh6UTFoc9+bsJjdfeXvBaXLC4epCGiT0Nmn3uSP ktRCxYkP2qn+OSHrzxwZKHkfVPBxOGufM2ur+OTbMec8Yb5D0QE/HBSuu+CWI3dr vPk6uQvp/TO2UOh1cCfrgnKJANJxOxF8aYbyETNiZ9mPCY16/GOUhnduRZoC/C34 bwEyjTE7sH3h4UZ681fyfalFmIvb+EZ/MJbOw6Cn58bgEgtPjUAogoYI/t42sPrq 4LICD/1FgsaW22/AlzqIYkgzSQgi/KS06igPJMbYvX8xGx2o99rHZuiOWwO1i6E= =04A2 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----