summing it up: 1) GPS is a US weapon 2) 'civilian' GPS is a joke, as orwellian as it gets. 3) 'civilian' GPS is still unlocked for various practical reasons, chiefly among them, to allow widespread use, like cancer. 'Civilian' GPS is 'free' just like the 'free' drugs that CIA dealers give away to get people hooked. 4) this sort of comment "software has been available for years which enables a SDR to broadcast GPS info" is chemically pure pentagon propaganda, meant to mislead fucktards into believing that 'hackers' can 'hack the system' and that govcorp doesn't fully and completely run the show. So guess what, schear is another piece of technonazi shit, just like bell. Shocking! 5) as explained in the article linked by technonazi turd bell, and with bell's full support, his beloved 'free market' nazi criminals, musko-NASA and amazon-NSA will in time lock down the radio navigation system by means of a 'public-private partnership' (LMAO!!!!!!!)