From: Razer <>

On 08/06/2017 09:52 AM, jim bell wrote:
>>Particularly since the Nolan Chart, combined with the World's Smallest Political Quiz, is so much more informative:

>Was looking at the entry:
"Statists favor a lot of government control in both the personal and economic areas. Different versions of the chart, as well as Nolan's original chart, use terms such as "communitarian" or "populist" to label this corner of the chart."
>This is simply wrong.

There are two issues here:  Is this encyclopedia entry correct to say that "Different versions of the chart, as well as Nolan's original chart, use terms such as "communitarian" or "populist" to label this corner of the chart."   Such a claim may be quite correct:  Maybe different versions DID say that.  If that's the case, it's wrong for you to say it's wrong.

> Assuming communitatians and populists are statists is moronic and bizarre... Unless the assumption is that people directly governing the affairs of their own community is statist. I CAN imagine a Libertarian would think that. Because local self-governance interferes with their FEUDALISTIC PREDATORY tendencies.

Now you are attacking the substance of the claims of those versions of the chart.  In that, you might very well be correct.  But don't blame me, or David Nolan, for the contents of an entry to Wikipedia that neither of us wrote.  Perhaps you will want to edit this Wikipedia entry to correct or clarify?

      Jim Bell

"Frustrated by the "left-right" line analysis that leaves no room for other ideologies, Nolan devised a chart with two axes which would come to be known as the Nolan Chart. The Nolan Chart is the centerpiece of the World's Smallest Political Quiz. Nolan's insight was that the major difference between various political philosophies, the real defining element in what a person believes politically, is the amount of government control over human action that is advocated.[citation needed] Nolan further reasoned that virtually all human political action can be divided into two broad categories: economic and personal. The "economic" category includes what people do as producers and consumers – what they can buy, sell, and produce, where they work, who they hire, and what they do with their money. Examples of economic activity include starting or operating a business, buying a home, constructing a building, and working in an office. The "personal" category includes what people do in relationships, in self-expression, and what they do with their own bodies and minds. Examples of personal activities include whom they marry; choosing what books they read and movies they watch; what foods, medicines, and drugs they choose to consume; recreational activities; religious choices; organizations they join; and with whom they choose to associate."

"The World's Smallest Political Quiz[1] is a 10-question educational quiz for an American audience designed by the libertarian Advocates for Self Government, created by Marshall Fritz. It associates the quiz-taker with one of five categories: libertarianleft-liberalcentristright-conservative, or statist.
According to the Advocates, the quiz was designed primarily to be more accurate than the one-dimensional "left-right" or "liberal-conservative" political spectrum by providing a two-dimensional representation. The Quiz is composed of two parts: a diagram of a political map; and a series of 10 short questions designed to help viewers quickly score themselves and others on that map.
The 10 questions are divided into two groups, economic and personal, of five questions each. The answers to the questions can be Agree, Maybe or Disagree. Twenty points are given for an Agree, ten points for a Maybe, and zero for Disagree. The scores are added for each group and can be zero to one hundred. These two numbers are then plotted on the diamond-shaped chart and the result displays the political group that agrees most with the quiz taker."