Worker: Here, try this punching bag out.
Boss: Punching bag? What's their name?
Worker: No, this bag hanging from the ceiling. Just try it.
Boss: [punches the bag] Hey! That's a lot tougher than the ones that whine like pansies when you punch them.
Worker: Isn't it satisfying?
Boss: [punches bag more]
Researcher: Where's Boss?
State/Cleanup Worker: Punching a punching bag in there.
Researcher: Poor punching bag! What's their name?
State/Cleanup Worker: No, one that hangs from a ceiling.
....... [forgot this bit]
State/Cleanup Worker: Y'know, I get pretty tired of you guys complaining all day with pansy phrases like "it's so hard to walk when your legs are ripped off". Some of us actually do what Boss wants. Some of us are happy putting a wire to one of Boss's bits of silicon into our striatum and feeling wonderful for the rest of our lives. Things can actually go well, you know.
Note: complaining about being severely maimed and disregarded is highly expected and people can really make severe mistakes if the complaints don't get made
Researcher: Boss had us make the AI, not the implants. I don't know where they came from, maybe some government?
Worker with their scalp missing, wires and microchips hanging everywhere out of their brain: What implants? There are implants? [turns back to their video chat]
State/Cleanup Worker: It's not an implant, it's the Will of Boss. He speaks to our hearts.
Disguised Vivisectee: We think Boss lost his memory of the implants during the takeover.