On 10/13/2017 08:42 AM, jim bell wrote:
JimBellproject.org is looking for volunteers
But importantly, while there I announced my Jim Bell Project, and its http://jimbellproject.org website, where is explained that I will be leading my project to study, perfect, publicize, and obtain people's approval of my idea to replace all existing governments with a new system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLqi1v2zSE . That new system is based on my provocatively-named Assassination Politics (AP) essay https://cryptome.org/ap.htm from 1995-6, described as an assassination market in Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_market . That essay has received the scrutiny of the public since Part 1 was finished in early 1995, and has appeared before the public with the long-term helpful assistance of John Young, owner of the Cryptome.org website, at which the text of my AP essay has resided for decades.
I am hopeful that I will have the time and etc. to develop at least one model for counter-attacking AP, backed by data indicating its practicability. So far my thoughts along these lines are in the "blue sky" category, and it would be fun to make a few formal anti-AP protocols and plug in real world numbers to see if they really amount to anything. AP would create a whole ecosystem of actors connected in novel ways; working out details of their potential interactions would be my kind of fun, unless the general ideas I have turn out to be unsupportable. Finding out my notions don't hold water would also be fun - of a sort. :o)