( — traffick boss (to machine learning marketer): “i’d like to have a really piercing stare, y’know, where i look into somebody’s eyes and they start quaking and become certain i’m reading their thoughts. could you have the robots train me to do that?” machine learning marketer: “you think you can be trained to do that?” traffick boss looks at machine learning marketer like he might have heard something wrong — it’s hour 28 of traffick boss in a test room with wires going to his eye muscles. a large line of test subjects wearing lab test caps extends into and out of the test room. (of course usually the research subjects are used for this and the research is transferred to traffick boss, he has perhaps briefly forgotten about his secret research project; a researcher was possibly not excited about the “piercing stare” use of budget and made the research more direct.) - during composition of this email the client crashed, the text was present on reboot but disappeared upon attempting to edit it, and it was retyped