From: David Bernier <>
Just today, I read a Forbes story from late 2013 where an anonymous had set up a web-site featuring Bounties in bitcoins for assassination of named public figures, which goes with the Crypto Anarchy "credo" (sometimes). Source: Nov 18, 2013 @ 08:30 AM Meet The 'Assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins Link:> David Ah, yes, Sanjuro's Assassination Market. I, more than most, would like to find out what really happenedwith that. Inadvertently assisted by me (by directing the anonymous TOR-emailer, claiming to be 'Sanjuro', to AndyGreenberg of Forbes) it got a rather enormous amount of publicity almost instantly in the media. Nevertheless, littleactually happened, and the media coverage didn't reflect nor describe that. The main criticism I had of this was the fact that the system was said to have a minimum bid of 1 BTC, which at the time was somewhere around $1000. This, contrasting with my Assassination Politics essay of 1995-96 where I anticipated allowing bits of 10 cents. Assassination Market did not explain a lot of what I had considered necessary for a functioning such system. How can a potential donor trust the system? How can a potential 'predictor' trust the system? How to collect?I never tried to research into this, because I judged that to do so would be a little too 'hot' for me to do. Didany donations actually appear on the system after its initial announcement? Did any new names/targets appear? "I have a thousand questions I'd like you ask you, Mr. Klaatu". Jim Bell