Hi Karl, forgot to mention, IIRC when you upload my document the timestamp of my original document stays the same and re-upload with a new timestamp is not possible. Please sign up with the service to try out, you have 5 free timestamps per month and don't have to use their payed plan. Regards Stefan -- claas.su ---------- Original Message ---------- On Sat, February 19, 2022 at 9:47 AM, k<gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote: Stefan, thanks for your inspirational transparency. Hopefully we can migrate somehow to protocols that show that documents are the first ones published of their kind, rather than just that they were published at the time they say they were. Is this something you can mention to originstamp? If I can destroy your document and republish one of my own, I can pretend to be you, because the public hash is rehashed by the document hash in the protocol.