Apologies, not sure this has been posted already in the thread, I'm backlogged. https://rdns.im/court-official-statement-part-1 Court – Official statement part #1 Posted on July 2, 2014 by Will As seen possibly here, or here i lost the Tor case and was sentenced to 3 years probation (instead of 3 months jail) and all fees (court and experts, Assumption ~30000EUR, not less than 20k for sure). The sentence is based on §12 which allows for anyone to be dealt with as perpetrator (which is a pretty dictatorial law IMO) and this is based on that i knew it *could* possibly be used for criminal activity (in this case child pornography). I won’t write much more yet before i have the written ruling (i do not even know my probation terms yet) but merely want to explain why i won’t appeal this sentence: First would be that I simply can’t afford it anymore, donations covered a lot of lawyer fees but i had to use my entire money on this case as well, i’m now bankrupt and the garnishment (a rare word, DE: Pfändung) of my income (to pay the 20k+ costs) does not help with it either. I have high medical costs as well besides which are more important. I’m not really interested in more external funding due to taxation issues with larger amounts (and i do not want *another* crime on me). – Second is that i just want to be done with this, i had now years of “issues” (i would write “harassment” but then i get sued again for sure) (Ex: Citing my boss to the police for questioning (x3); physically monitoring my boss in Vienna; citing friends to the police for questioning (x2); confiscation of bank transaction data; Polish extradiction threats for hacking cases there (x2); citing me for useless questioning causing lawyer costs (x5+) etc. etc.) – It’s now finally over and besides the cost i CAN live with this sentence, it does not show up in police registers and won’t be an issue for work and alike in the future. – Third is the mental component, this years of “horror” changed a lot up to me being hospitalized (x3…) with paranoid schizophrenia (which was a wrong diagnosis, but still it’s not helpful if you HAVE to assume permanent monitoring of everything), PTSD (among other issues) and now taking medication – It took it’s toll, including me getting fired for being in the clinic/sick stay for a long time, i just can’t afford to loose my job or go the clinic again even if i actually should be still there. – Fourth is the attention, media and personal – I don’t really like any attention on myself, especially when others should get it (like some public cause, Pirateparty or alike). – So this is it for now, stay tuned for more in a few days.