On 01/10/2017 09:50 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
The world needs to change a lot.
The people need to change alot before anything changes 'globally'. Given that people are bombarded by (at least) marketing campaigns for shiny plastic stuff people are dying making in places they never see, and the evil underlying semantic of every speck of that brain-bombardment is "You aren't a good enough human being unless you have [specific and typically unnecessary shiny plastic stuff]", I don't see any real change on the horizon. We've been pitted against each other from ethnic hatred to killing for 'beanie babies'. Rock promoter Bill Graham was quoted as saying "Lets kill all the lawyers. Kill them tonight." But that's because he was selling music and image. I say "Lets kill all the marketers ('OEM sales engineers' too!). Kill them tonight." Then maybe images of fat white men with gold toilets and whore wives won't be so prone to imitation. One can only hope. Rr