1. We are advised to not judge all muslims by the actions of a few lunatics; whilst we are simultaneously encouraged to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Some judgements are evidently "more equal" than others. Some facts are evidently also "more equal" than others. And of course, some opinions (including my "jaw droppingly humble" opinions of course :D), are -definitely- more equal than others. Surprisingly, one could be lead to think that some folks run around thinking they're "the chosen bastards". Chosen to be abandoned in a desert for 80 years by Arch-Angel Gabriel perhaps... Is there any possibility that this "chosen ones" think is a deep and unacknowledged cultural myth designed to paper over victim consciousness arising from a deep and unacknowledged cultural myth of being abandoned in the desert by your group leader some 4,000 years ago? Nahhh ... that'd be a fact, not a myth. For sure.