Dnia wtorek, 1 kwietnia 2014 22:16:38 jim bell pisze:
On Tue, Apr 1, 2014, at 08:02 PM, jim bell wrote:
Group of people who burgled the FBI in 1971 https://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-news/trailer--fbi-whistleblowers-reve al-themselves-in--1971-205728154.html?vp=1> Thanks for posting this. It's so timely and historically important. Can't wait to see it.
Hey Jim, what happened with the Yahoo account you were locked out of? Did you ever get the lost emails and contacts restored? -Shelley
Haven't got back on jamesdbell8@yahoo.com. I'm convinced that Yahoo is a bunch of crooks. Bleeding-heart, do-gooder liberal crooks. Anybody who looks at Yahoo's news sees this. Jim Bell
And yet you use jamesbell9@yahoo.com. I'm sure a there are lots of places that would be very happy to host your e- mail. -- Pozdr rysiek