Someone asked how to access onion sites... Links to '.onion's are part of the Tor overlay network, therefore you need Tor to reach them. Simplest way is to download and use the 'Tor Browser' from here... https://www.torproject.org/ Browsing around with that may be safe / private / anonymous for normal boring things like reading CNN.com news, and reading non controversial and completely legal sites in onionland, such as some of the forums, social networks, code repositories, etc. Even that is littered with caveats. Note that while it is possible to browse that site with Tor Browser, it is not possible to use Tor Browser to download the stuff that is listed there. Doing that requires additional tools for torrenting. And using those tools is risky for new users because they are complex to get plugged into Tor and properly tested and secured, which can then leak out to clearnet. Thus users can get busted for filesharing with the torrent protocol, even for what they might think was just downloading, over what they though was the Tor network. Also, Tor Browser for Windows and Linux are likely to be more developed than for Mac, and surely more than Android. I2P is another popular overlay network. It has a torrent network and client built internally into it, so may be a safer alternative to trying to use Tor for torrenting. I2P can be slow and use a ton of RAM / CPU. https://geti2p.net/en/docs/applications/supported#file-sharing Don't know what people do or don't know tech or otherwise, so advice is always to remain legal, be safe, and don't say / post / send / do anything they wouldn't do in public. And seek computer help preferably locally in person from knowledgeable trusted people. Of course Juan will chime in swinging his perfectly fine ragehammer opinion on at least Tor and anyone who mentions it. And fine VPN info links have been posted by Mirimir before. Besides, even youtube has the basic shit like TV shows... https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=orville+s1+e7