On Thursday, November 7, 2019, 07:54:36 PM PST, Punk - Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:

On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 03:18:44 +0000 (UTC)
jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:

> >    I'm quoting. Where's the strawman? 

>> You quoted, and then you misinterpreted.

  >  I've been reasonable so far. Now I'm done, and I'll call your bullshit straight out. I am misinterpreting FUCK.

 >   And there isn't any room for 'interpretation' actually. Hamill believes that govt is too stupid and burreaucratic to use 'technology'. That is what he clearly says, and he is pathetically wrong. 

You must believe that you are the master of the strawman argument.  Misrepresent what other people say, and you can "win" any argument.  Quantify, for one thing.

                      Jim Bell


> >>Government can employ technology for those purposes, and you can then notice that, but that doesn't mean that the net effect of technology favors non-freedom.
>  >   Except it does. Technology favors non-freedom. That is my postion and I can easily argue it. And half the argument is simply looking around at what's happening. We live in a fuckign global police-surveillance state. Thanks to cheap microelectronics.

>> Technology CAN 'favor non-freedom'.   But that doesn't mean it does so in each and every case.

 >   Yes it does.

Then prove it.

I'll show a contrary:  The Internet changed the world so that instead of our world of, say, 40 years ago, 1978, we have vastly more sources of news, we can discuss amongst each other.  You don't want to consider that "improvement".  And, you cannot (or will not) quantify this benefit.   Understandable, because such things are hard to quantify,