Whoops! :P ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: PFIR (People For Internet Responsibility) Announcement List < pfir@pfir.org> Date: Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:59 AM Subject: [ PFIR ] Zuckerberg Cut a Line About Monitoring 'Private Channels'
From His Facebook Manifesto To: pfir-list@pfir.org
Zuckerberg Cut a Line About Monitoring 'Private Channels' From His Facebook Manifesto http://gizmodo.com/zuckerberg-cut-a-line-about-monitoring- private-channels-1792462516 On Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg published an updated founder's letter for Facebook, his first since the company went public in 2012. Largely summarizing the CEO's previous comments, the sweeping manifesto was newsworthy while containing little news. In at least one version of the text, however, Zuckerberg wrote about using artificial intelligence for online surveillance--a line stricken from the final draft. - - - --Lauren--