Western democracy knows no bounds. And what we mean by that is, Western hypocrisy knows no limits. Catalan declaration of independence, vs International Court of Justice “Advisory Opinion on Kosovo” http://www.icj-cij.org/files/case-related/141/141-20100722-ADV-01-00-EN.pdf is a classic example of Western dignity and consistency. ∙ My fiat good, your fiat bad. ∙ My independence good, your independence bad. ∙ My destruction of your nation is not an invasion, just a "Democratic reset" for your pathetic backward nation run by a tin pot dictator - “oh but we put your dictator in power” I hear you say? Suck it up buttercup, Western nations Do No Wrong (R)(TM)(C). 7 points which expose Western governments’ hypocrisy on the issue of Catalan independence http://theduran.com/8-points-expose-western-governments-hypocrisy-issue-cata... … (2) The Western powers often say they support the right of national self-determination, which they all too often take to mean the right to secession from another state. The Western powers have insisted on the rigorous application of this principle to the former republics of the USSR, to the former republics of Yugoslavia, to Kosovo and Montenegro when they seceded from Serbia, and to South Sudan. In each and every one of these cases the Western powers vigorously supported the secessionist or ‘independence’ movements that achieved the independence of these countries. However they deny this very same right of national self-determination (as they interpret it) to the Serbs of Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, to the Abkhazians and South Ossetians who have seceded from Georgia, to the people of Crimea, to the Russian speaking people of eastern Ukraine and the Baltic States, and now to the people of Catalonia. Why? … "The West" is bloody disgrace on this planet...