On 08/23/2016 04:22 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
just a few individuals with CVs more relevant to a specific form of political warfare than software development
Corporate hacks suffice. After all, that IS what corporate hackdom requires.. Political warfare. Rr
On 08/23/2016 06:05 PM, Sean Lynch wrote:
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 2:59 PM Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net <mailto:admin@pilobilus.net>> wrote:
I certainly wouldn't mind seeing experimentation with padding & mixing, but between more innovative features and a more conservative codebase, I'm not sure which one I'd trust, especially when the former are written by people so dumb as to think that there's some vast conspiracy against Appelbaum.
Not "some vast conspiracy," just a few individuals with CVs more relevant to a specific form of political warfare than software development, behaving exactly as if they had been hand picked by a hostile actor and given a line of attack to pursue. The beauty part: "Prove it." ;)
As universal surveillance and profiling technologies mature, so will tools for analyzing organizations to identify exploitable weaknesses of key figures, and identifying candidates to recruit or influence to do that exploitation. The phrase "CIA Computer Dating & Job Placement Service" sums up a toolkit that makes formerly difficult, expensive categories of clandestine operations both more affordable and reliable, which makes smaller, less important targets accessible.
The technology exists, an eager market wants it, blank checks are available to make it happen. Individuals and organizations working against State and Corporate agendas should adjust their behavior accordingly.