26 Apr
26 Apr
10:58 p.m.
If you're an Australian with a mortgage, you might consider that you owe it to yourself to investigate your own mortgage, by FOI, by viewing, searching and pursuing - a time of crisis is almost always an opportunity for some, and that might be you. Carpe diem. ----- Original Message ----- Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 08:08:24 +0800 Subject: Australian mortgages Hi all, The following link is to a 27 minute clip of some astounding information regarding Australian mortgages. If you have or have had a mortgage, this is a MUST WATCH. It is one of the best and most accurate expose of this fraudulent activity by central banks that I've ever seen. Australia's Secret Sub-Prime Crisis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMcf4PUyOzY