All the whining about NSA is just that, whining, by comparison to where COTS is going. The COTS folks are surpassing national labs in the reach of their traffic analysis, they just don't yet have the command structure. (They'll get one when they're deputized by the national labs of whatever country matters.) Consider AAPL's iBeacon. --- consumer market prepositioning drives tracking rollout --- http://www.pfhub.com/apple-inc-s-aapl-ios-leaps-ahead-of-googles-android-in-... -new-world-of-beacons-542
The iBeacon is spreading rapidly in a number of spheres, including retail, sports arenas, museums, and possibly even the home. An even more crucial factor, however, is how many devices running a given operating system are beacon-ready. iOS devices are 82% beacon ready, according to a report today from Patently Apple, while Android devices are only 2.5% beacon ready.
Being successful in the world of beacon technology draws the business of huge retailers with deep advertising budgets, with a potential windfall of cash when these companies pay for access to both beacons and the server space that backs them up.
--- turning it off is a useful illusion --- http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5594
You must enable Location Services on your device and give your http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5594 permission to each app or website before it can use your location data. In iOS 7, if you turn off Location Services and use Find My iPhone Lost Mode, Location Services will be re-enabled on the device as long as the device is in Lost Mode. Once Lost Mode is disabled, Location Services will return to its previous state.
Note: For safety purposes, your iPhones location information will be used for emergency calls to aid response efforts regardless of whether you enable Location Services.
--- everybody's ass is covered in layers of boilerplate --- http://support.apple.com/kb/HT6048
Note: If you allow third-party apps or websites to use your current location, you agree to their terms, privacy policies, and practices. You should review the terms, privacy policies, and practices of the apps and websites to understand how they use your location and other information. Information Apple collects will be treated in accordance with Apple's Privacy Policy.
--- standards, schmandards --- http://www.mobilemarketinguniverse.com/bluetooth-beacons-vs-wifi-vs-nfc-2
After Apple choose BLE as standard rather than NFC/RFID, we believe that the two winning technologies in North America will be Wifi and BLE whereas NFC still has a good chance in the rest of the world.