On 06/23/2016 09:22 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 07:19:47PM -0400, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 06/23/2016 05:33 PM, John Young wrote:
Portable SCIFs have been around for decades, tent-size and desk-top:
More compact and emanation-resistant now. Carry your own.
"I demand the cone of silence!"
Sorry about that, Chief.
"99, get me that SCIF definition will you?"
"Right away, Max." <swish, swish>
Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility. Control had a portable version of the cone of silence - basically two plexiglass fish bowls connected by a tube - but of course it got stuck on the Chief's head then ended up shattered the first time it was deployed. I have come to realize the Agent 86 may have been the greatest intelligence officer of his generation: That is if, as I now suspect, he was working for Kaos all along. Smart wasted vast amounts of Control's money, misdirected 100% of its manpower and resources toward a crew of small time losers who were probably a KGB front set up for the purpose, and completely demoralized Control's Chief and (all but one of) his fellow Agents. And they fell for it. To such an extent that Control went out of business for good just five years after Smart showed up on the record as its "top Agent." :o)