On Mon, 8 Feb 2016 13:42:01 -0800 Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
juan wrote:
I noticed a couple of weird things about riseup.net. First thing is that there is a lot (relatively speaking) of messages from riseup addresses in the "tor-talk" mailing list. One would naively expect that 'progressive 'anarcho' commies would have nothing to do with the pentagon's fake anonimity network...yet they do.
Riseup is also the incubator for Tails development (labs.riseup.net).
Thanks for the info. I had assumed tails was a sort of side project of the tor faction to get even more tax dollars. Maybe riseup gets some DoD donations too?
Don't use Tails either.
I don't use tails =)
Just go barefoot. See you in the camps but YOU'LL be there first sucka!
Heh. Well, take into account that if you are closer to the camps, your chances of getting there first will increase...