I don't think it was ordered by Facebook leadership or something like that. The truth is that FB has pretty flawed mechanism of blocking, so any page that received many abuses from FB users will be banned for some time without any action from FB mods. Both pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian pages were banned many times this way, including ones with verified accounts. Here is some The Guardian report on blocking Russian opposition activists and Ukrainian bloggers pages, for example http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/17/facebook-pro-kremlin-attacks-ru... So there is no conspiracy, just a lot of users abusing FB's abuse mechanism and FB doing nothing with that. But FB really censored an event page of opposition rally in Russia following Russian request http://mashable.com/2014/12/22/facebook-blocks-opposition-rally-page-russia/ Zenaan Harkness:
Nothing new to cp-ers I guess - I remember about 7 years ago a video/ slide presentation that circulated - on facebook no less, showing the leadership of FB was mostly ex-CIA, ex-NSA. (Yes, I carefully look out from my brown paper bag - I did log in to facebook for a few weeks.) Z
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