Whenever some dictatorship with idea to persecute singing and dancing occur around the globe, Russia is there to help. ROTF. I suppose the CARPET BOMBING of Baghdad based on nothing but a
Tomas Overdrive Petru wrote: pack of lies (still being reiterated, recently in one major media outlet as: "Saddam was in touch with islamists for assistance...") was something to 'sing and dance' about? I suppose supplying weapons and cash to the Wahabbi nutjobs in Saudi Arabia to bomb and strafe Yemen, a country that never even had a functional Air Force was cause for celebration. Osama was never heard at Tora Bora (per US dox showing the intel apparatchik totally lost sigint on him in 1998) yet we used a blatant lie about hearing him at the old NATO sigint eavesdropping facility (like dozens that skirted the Russian border ... in Turkey and Iran as well), he was told to use as he destabilized a nascent secular Afghanistan b/c "Russians" and "Communism" and then we let the Islamist scumbuckets we hired to make sure women wore their burquas continue the job to this day. I'm doing the Jig now over that. The list of offenses against sovereign nations committed by the US in it's quest for control of every extractive resource and route of removal goes back to the inception of this marauding nation, and you're either a paid propagandist, or simply ignorant of world history, or both. I see that double trait in supporters of "Israel" and it's often the case in rabid anti-communists too. -- RR "You might want to ask an expert about that - I just fiddled around with mine until it worked..."