Different people will have different opinions here. Each one probably has a little truth to it. To relate on anarchy: when there is no authority, people don't tend to get hurt, because nobody is trying to enslave others to meet their goals. This means you're being kinda dictatorial when you try to force anything on anyone else. We need people to stop others from doing that. On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 2:28 AM professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
IF you're having trouble coping with the anarchic internet lately - and even specific crypto-ANARCHISTS on specific
parts of it - like Cypherpunks - then here's one real easy way to fight back - GET OFF THE INTERNET!
Its only going to get more crypto-ANARCHIST every day. Cut your losses off, Tossers. Get lost. SCRAM.
[ This message bought to you by new-wave-eunuchs Karl, Batshit, Zendo and Gramps ]