Zenaan, I think we must say (also) the following before starting this thread:
""Before going any further, let me also immediately say that I am not talking about Jews or Anglos as a group, but I am referring to the top 1% within each of these groups.  Furthermore, I don’t believe that the top 1% of Jews cares any more about Israel or the 99% of Jews than the top 1% of Anglos care about the USA or the Anglo people"".

The "plain" anglos/jews should not be insulted by this term (Anglo-Zionist). It's not about the nations, but about a rotten ideology of the ruling elites of these nations/coming from these nations (and about those blind/scum people supporting them). It is crucial to remember because i see many people get insulted by this term (yes, we are emotional beings) instead of focusing on what it is about.

Zenaan Harkness Sun, 07 Feb 2016 14:54:12 -0800

OK, I'm going to take the /dev/zero redirections.

This article is rational, as far as I can tell, but hey, my powers of
ascertaining rationality m
ay well not match yours.

I say this is on-topic regarding the political correctness gone mad
discussions. On topic as in, bang on topic. But to limit the fallout
from posting such filth, here's just the link:

Trigger words used - anglozionist and plenty more, so if that's not
for you plug your ears now, cover your eyes and fuck off to your
cotton wool world.