On 01/29/2015 04:07 AM, rysiek wrote: <SNIP>
Well.: http://rys.io/en/54
"Quadcopters and similar, hovering-capable drones will be soon banned, probably as weapons, probably under "anti-terrorism" laws.
They will get banned, and will get banned as "terrorist devices". You will hear arguments that, for example, they are able to help "terrorists" plant explosives or create havoc and are very hard to take down once airborne.
The funny part is: we had flying drones in the form of RC planes and copters for years upon years and nobody thought about banning them. Moreover, these would be much better-suited for the supposed "terrorists", as they are bigger and more powerful — able to carry a bigger amount of explosives, on a longer distance, faster and therefore harder to intercept."
How about this? http://sourceforge.net/projects/osmissile/ History: http://www.interestingprojects.com/cruisemissile/bio.shtml This was squashed, as I recall.