On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 07:25:52PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 3:44 PM, gwen hastings <gwen@cypherpunks.to> wrote:
http://www.gameofdrones.biz/ they do their testing with 12 gauges at
Assassination Politics is an interesting armchair quarterback game,
keep and bear a well-regulated open-source drone Militia?
Well, funny thing that. I wrote on it: http://rys.io/en/54
The tl;dr is -- even though traditional RC planes are better-fitted to be used as "terrorist tools" (faster, more load, etc), it's *copters that will get banned first, as they empower people to "watch the watchers".
No idea what kind of flight characteristics RC gear has, but someday someone's going to try loading them with munitions and taking out targets with them from far away. Even with RF jamming and hailfire on close approach they could counter with inertial autopilot, vertical guided payload drops from altitude, and redundancy. Maybe $1-5k per drone. Will it crop up as a rebirth of Mafia/Ghetto gangland violence? Corporate warfare? A political tool for anyone from nations to individuals? Nations seem to publicize who they bagged in theatre with drones today, but what if people just start dropping off? No longer are you going to find bits of $M cruise missle labeled USA but a bunch of Chinese toy parts (possibly flown at you while on holiday in Germany by a Korean funded by a Texan who didnt't like your oil contract in Canada). It's unbannable dual use leaving crazy movielike future bounded only by human nature. Next is radar based automatic rooftop shotgun mounts for the home, better buy stock in Mossberg.
I expect suicide bombers will still be more effective, although now the bombers can fly 150 drones in formation to a target they can't physically get to and do some damage before they get droned themselves. Don't think TOR will help when the UN defense forces drop tungesten from orbit. Trying to hide is only going to get you AND the network you are hiding behind killed. That will be a faustian bargain for exit node operators.. censor/block/ limit known remote flight control traffic, or get bombed from orbit. Oh, and latency. Line-of-sight and theft of commercial aircraft is still going to be able to cause more damage. What I expect will be *far* more interesting will be the escalation in the seed-bombing wars.. http://www.guerrillagardening.org/ggseedbombs.html The geese already started it.. http://www.gmeducation.org/latest-news/p213503-the-oregon-gmo-wheat-mystery:...