On 08/30/2018 08:20 PM, CANNON wrote:
On 08/31/2018 03:17 AM, Mirimir wrote:
On 08/30/2018 08:06 PM, CANNON wrote:
On 08/31/2018 02:58 AM, CANNON wrote:
Just look at UK, where radical islamists just mow down people with machine guns, plow them over with trucks, women can't walk the streets at night without risk of getting raped or robbed,
I am referring to London. But this is really a trend across many European nations.
Then maybe they shouldn't have killed the shit out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and so on. It's just consequences. So just suck it up.
The islamist extremist target innocent people whom have nothing to do with any war.
I guess they have some anger issues, bro.
They are of the devil and fight for the side of evil.
Now _that's_ funny! You're Jewish or Christian, I'm guessing, given your use of "devil". But Judaism, Christianity and Islam all worship the same God. Both Christians and Muslims expect that Christ will be resurrected. And that he'll lead them to victory over the other. I'm not sure what the Jews think of that. Israel will be the battleground, of course. And what about this "devil" thing? Isn't there just one god? If that's so, Satan is just one aspect of God. Who must truly be one psychotic motherfucker. I highly recommend Matthew Stover's novels (except for the Star Wars stuff). His first two, _Iron Dawn_ and _Jericho Moon_, take place in the Middle East, on the eastern edge of the Egyptian Empire, a decade or so after the Trojan War ended. _Jericho Moon_ is basically about the Maccabee Revolution, from the Seleucid perspective. The Maccabees (Hebrews) come off basically as devil worshipers ;) They conjure various aspects (aka angels) of Yahweh to smite their enemies. Using the standard stuff. You know, pentagrams, burning ram's blood in charcoal braziers, chanting, etc. And two of those aspects were Shachath (Angel of Death) and Mastema (aka Satan).
I am just saying, while many innocent lives over there get slaughtered by the terrorists....
Shit happens.
If the islmaic clowns try any of that BS here in my area they would not make it far at all.
Big words, bro :)