Leah McGrath Goodman 


What a piece of shit reporting. Journalists compulsively play
pop psychologist is reporting on targets to obscure their
lack of technical capability. When ridiculed for this they
say readers want the gossip because they too lack technical

Not a single journalist resists the temptation for slimey personal
analysis to boost sales from Obama to Putin to Satoshi, from
NY Times to Guardian to WaPo to Wired to The Intercept.

Still the tech firms suck up to the ignorant outlets for lurid
coverage, crypto firms now leading the pack to promote
comsec panic for digital cash-in. You, once honorably corrupt,
dear cpunks, should be raking it in as if in compelled to
rationalize cryptoligarchy.

Fuck them dead, the whipsawing comsec windfall bandits.

At 09:05 AM 3/6/2014, you wrote:
I *told* you I wasn?t Satoshi.


Poor bastard...
