Will any candidates mention cryptoprivacy, cryptocurrency, Tor, Leaks, Sound Money, etc... in a positive light?
Perhaps the Libertarian Candidates? ...
Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen https://jo20.com/ https://twitter.com/jorgensen4potus https://www.lp.org/jojorgensen/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Jorgensen_2020_presidential_campaign https://www.qwant.com/?r=US&q=%22jo+jorgensen%22 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jo+Jorgensen https://mobile.twitter.com/RealSpikeCohen
It’s official! We have #ballotaccess in all 50 states +DC! Thank you to all of the volunteers and petitioners that made this possible!
If you want to stop the endless wars, consider voting for me #Jorgensen2020. You can keep the fruits of your labors and they'll no longer be siphoned off to cause harm. If you #VoteBlue or #VoteRed nothing will change. #VoteGold instead.
https://mobile.twitter.com/Jorgensen4POTUS/status/1319345671737085955 I officially accept the offer from @AmericasDebate to appear in Chicago on the 29th. I look forward to a new chapter in American politics wherein all viable candidates can make their case to American voters. Stay tuned for more news about this historic event! https://americandebatecommittee.com/ https://mobile.twitter.com/AmericasDebate https://mobile.twitter.com/AmericasDebate/status/1320026960391753734 We are excited that @Jorgensen4POTUS has agreed to participate in #AmericasDebate next week at the @pritzkerlibrary in Chicago. This will be the last opportunity for voters to hear from all the candidates on every ballot. This is the debate Americans deserve! All fifty states agreed to put @realDonaldTrump, @JoeBiden, and @Jorgensen4POTUS on their ballots. The @debates only allows you to hear from two of them. Why? (Canceled because Joe and Donald are chumps who would get DESTROYED by Jorgensen in any debate). Find your Libertarian candidates here... https://www.lp.org/ https://mobile.twitter.com/LPNational https://mobile.twitter.com/hashtag/IVoted4Jorgensen