On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 4:49 AM Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
We need communication channels that include all the people affected by decisions. This is very easy to do, and we have studied how for decades.
In Occupy people had all kinds of political affiliations. They weren't just from the left or the right. I learned about anarchism, but Occupy was more about democracy than anarchism or politics. I liked a decision making way called spokescouncil, which has many different variants. Here's a link from google: https://www.seedsforchange.org.uk/spokescouncil . These approaches are continuously evolving to handle the various issues they can encounter when used in more tense situations. People familiar with such things, in different areas, will know more. Since then I've discovered Convergent Facilitation: http://nvctraining.com/media/_2018/MK/convergent-facilitation/index.html . Convergent Facilitation looks very effective but has an obvious issue where it puts only a handful of people in charge of directing the meeting.