It's not Socialism silly, it's -Democratic- Socialism! The Bee Explains: Democratic Socialism https://babylonbee.com/news/the-bee-explains-democratic-socialism Dems: 'Socialism Is The Only Way To End This Nightmare Of Prosperity' https://babylonbee.com/news/dems-socialism-is-the-only-way-to-end-this-night... Millennial Wishes There Were Some Historical Examples Of Socialism We Could Study To Have Some Idea How It Might Turn Out https://babylonbee.com/news/millennial-wishes-there-were-previous-examples-o... Millennial Drops Support For Socialism After Learning How Hard It Is To Get Avocado Toast In Venezuela https://babylonbee.com/news/millennial-drops-support-for-socialism-after-lea... Caravan Of Liberal Americans Makes Way Toward Socialist Paradise Of Venezuela https://babylonbee.com/news/caravan-of-liberal-americans-makes-way-toward-so... On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 09:30:59AM +0800, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
On 13/02/2018 06:58, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
As Jordan Peterson points out, that "kill everyone in group X" has been tried a few times in the 20th C. - and the leftist Marxists were best at it.
Kill (or expel, or somehow make sure that everyone from group X is just not around any more) is a very common tactic, and one that is with great regularity hugely successful.
It gets massively under reported, because it embarrasses the winners. But if you look at demographics and voting patterns, it is obvious that there has been a huge amount of it going on, and it works just great for group not-x.
Forswearing this popular and hugely successful tactic when other groups do not forswear it is unilateral disarmament.
Other groups will not abandon it unless it looks likely to produce blowback on them.
Stuff like whites getting expelled from Detroit, Christians from the middle east, etc is not going to stop unless we start doing similar operations on blacks and Muslims etc.
In any situation where it is probable that group x is going to do us, we need to do them first. Then after few massacres and genocides, and possibly numerous nuclear explosions, then maybe then we can make a more stable and safe arrangement, but we are not going to get a more stable and safe arrangement as long as members of group X can get rid of whites, capitalists, Christians, etc, and never have any fear that that whites, capitalists, Christians, etc, will return the favor.
No one is motivated to reduce the likelihood of this tactic being used, as long as one side gets deemed to be good guys when they use it, and the other side bad guys when they resist it.
Unilaterally forswearing this ever popular and successful tactic does not mean that there will be less of it, it means there will be more of it.
And the most morally defensible application of this ever popular and regularly successful approach is to do to commies, what commies always do to kulaks.