https://github.com/jerryjliu/gpt_index/blob/main/gpt_index/langchain_helpers... i was glancing through the rapidly-changing state of langchain and saw somebody had quietly committed infrastructure for converting knowledge with a graph representation. i visited their work and again found the gpt-index project graph representstion is ehat i abandoned in 2003 as an undergrad freshman learning occult studies and music theory and math, i was on goertzel’s mailing list when it went private due to fear of use by terrorism. i left college that year. anyway the linked line at time of writing is the key part of how to use index-gpt without openai. you can pass a custom langchain LLM to index-gpt’s LLMPredictor and pass that to its other constructors and then you won’t need an openai key. huggingface also performs network access when loading a model, to check if there is a new version. the code for that has changed but it’s likely still disableable with an environment variable.