On 12/27/2017 6:35 AM, juan wrote:
if you stupid lying cunt are unable to read a couple of basic articles and understand them,
The articles you cite lie: See wikipedia on this topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus_on_Jesus Modern scholarship has largely acknowledged the authenticity of the reference in Book 20, Chapter 9, 1 of the Antiquities to "the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James"[12] and considers it as having the highest level of authenticity among the references of Josephus to Christianity.[13][1][2][14][15][16] Almost all modern scholars consider the reference in Book 18, Chapter 5, 2 of the Antiquities to the imprisonment and death of John the Baptist also to be authentic and not a Christian interpolation.[17][18][19] The references found in Antiquities have no parallel texts in the other work by Josephus such as The Jewish War, written 20 years earlier, but some scholars have provided explanations for their absence.[20] A number of variations exist between the statements by Josephus regarding the deaths of James and John the Baptist and the New Testament accounts.[17][21] Scholars generally view these variations as indications that the Josephus passages are not interpolations, for a Christian interpolator would have made them correspond to the New Testament accounts, not differ from them.[17][22][21] In this, Wikipedia accurately reports the official consensus of official academia: However, on the dating of the gospels, the the official consensus of official academia is evidently untruthful, dating the gospels to after the fall of the temple and Jerusalem, because the gospels report Jesus as prophesying the fall of the Temple and Jerusalem. And they figure no one could have seen that coming. But you would expect someone who was critical of the holiness spiral going on at the time to prophesy the fall of Jerusalem, regardless of whether divinely inspired, God himself, or just another man like myself holding up his finger to see which way the wind blows. We can be sure that all four primary gospels were written before 70 C.E, because Jesus' prophecies concerning the fall of Jerusalem and the temple were vague, shifty, evasive and unfalsifiable, even though it was obvious at the time that the wind was blowing towards suicidal and self destructive war with the Roman empire Had they been written up after the fall of Jerusalem, they would have been remembered as much more specific concrete, and detailed. Shortly before the fall of Jerusalem, Christians did get specific and concrete prophecies about the fall (but by that time it was pretty obvious what was going to come down) and those more concrete prophecies were not misattributed to Jesus.