Also, Dnia wtorek, 14 stycznia 2014 11:28:08 Odinn Cyberguerrilla pisze:
But how often do you hear people talking about what is needed to literally Decentralize Everything?
2) What are some ways to Decentralize Everything?
2)a. https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/ 2)b. https://github.com/namecoin (...) https://github.com/JeremyRand/Convergence/tree/namecoin 2)f. Convergence (a different one) https://github.com/moxie0/Convergence (...) 2)g.2. See also reference TACK implementations https://github.com/tack
We're trying to "decentralize everything" and yet we're using centralized GitHub for everything. inb4 "nah, it's fine, git lets me keep my repo at home, it's not that bad" - Let's ask ourselves if we can delete our GitHub accounts, right now, today. If not, QED. -- Pozdr rysiek