Hairdresser Experimentee [to Rebel Torturer]: "What do you really pretend to like a lot about torturing people?" Rebel Torturer relaxes and smiles. Rebel Torturer: "Oh, when they --" Hairdresser Experimentee: "Now, say the thing you were going to say to the targeted community!" Rebel Torturer: "-- !" Rebel Torturer squares off at Superpowered Intern 3 Rebel Torturer: "I'm very sorry that I'm decimating your community. I was offered a lot of money to do this, and I refused the money, so I was enslaved with mind control and can't do anything to stop myself." Rebel Torturer pauses and inhales once. Hairdresser Experimentee looks at him. Rebel Torturer: "Everything I try to do to stop it, the mind control changes me somehow, so that my effort encourages it to happen even more instead." Hairdresser Experimentee [to Superpowered Intern 3]: "We don't know what to do!" Superpowered Interns [a short pause, different lengths of time for different people]: "We're here to rescue you!!" Everybody smiles. "Yay!"