Worse, why limit a cypherpunks list to only those who use encryption? Several of the cpunks' bastard offsprings set up their own gated communities, unable to put up with those who ridiculed their advocacy of really really opinionated discussion of the glories of crypto. What has been learned since early days of cypherpunks is that all encryption is faulty and survives on willing suspension of disbelief. Not the math, oh never, which is as infallible as the Pope and Muhammad, it's the disbelievers in other people's faith-based communities and who are dedicated to finding faults over there to divert attention from those in here. Still, even back then, encrypted messages were posted by enthusiasts. Nobody answered, many said get the fuck out. At 12:20 PM 8/21/2013, you wrote:
What's the point of encrypting the output of a mailing list to which anyone can subscribe?
-- Jeffrey Paul +1-312-361-0355 5539 AD00 DE4C 42F3 AFE1 1575 0524 43F4 DF2A 55C2