That the shadow elite have let so many of their plans spill out into effect all at once all around the world tells its messed up, and since cards are always held in reserve, it will likely get much more bizarre restrictive and dangerous. Prepare and or fight back if you can. Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald @SystemUpdate_ Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 12h Totally: the best way for a news outlet like @NPR to show they're not beholden to the US government and are unbiased is to have the WH Press Secretary rise to her feet in defense of NPR and heap praise on their great reporting: RNC Research 593 2,358 177 12,082 323,938 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 11h Truly independent outlets anger the state. They often end up where Biden DOJ has put Assange, not showered with praise by WH Press Secretary. When is the last time NPR did reporting that angered the Biden WH, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc? NPR does this for CIA:… In rare public speech, the CIA director spoke about the spy agency's role in Ukraine CIA Director Bill Burns made a rare public speech Thursday and talked about the agency's role in Ukraine. Also, hundreds of suspected Russian spies have been kicked out of embassies in Europe. 28 251 4 1,642 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 11h Here's a self-proclaimed "disinformation expert" affiliated with a DoD program also leaping to NPR's defense. Scratch a self-proclaimed "disinformation expert" and one finds USG ties. Note how many state functionaries are vehemently defending NPR. Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D @RVAwonk 18h Wow, way to make this label meaningless. NPR is absolutely not even comparable to propaganda outlets like RT & Sputnik, which have no editorial independence. This is ridiculous and only helps actual propaganda outlets blend in with legitimate news outlets. 19 255 5 1,423 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 11h Alex Rubinstein @RealAlexRubi 13h Replying to @RVAwonk I do not work for any outlet funded by Russia. You, however, are DoD-affiliated media 6 109 850 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 11h LOL - I forgot about this. There's no industry more intrinsically fraudulent than "disinformation experts." It's a scam expertise and so of course it's filled with scam artists and grifters, many of whom are lined up defending the über-independent NPR: Michael Tracey @mtracey 17 May 2022 Replying to @mtracey Was just reminded of some "disinformation" perpetuated by @RVAwonk: when she bilked her Twitter followers out of $$$ for a trip to sunny Hawaii to "investigate" Tulsi Gabbard. Still no word on how that trip went. Hilariously, the GoFundMe page is still up Show this thread 24 186 2 1,199 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 10h Are there any self-proclaimed "disinformation experts" who *don't* get funding, directly or indirectly, from the US Security State? Esha K 🥭 @eshaLegal 10h Just going to set this here. Caroline Orr Bueno is funded by the Department of Defense.. 25 214 1,258 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 9h NPR has an article complaining that Twitter now characterizes it as "US state-affiliated media." To prove that they are not, they cite the fact that WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre today "defended NPR's journalism." Strange choice.… 57 346 22 2,230 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 9h Amazing: NPR, in trying to argue it's not-state affiliated, didn't only cite the praise of the WH press secretary for its "journalism." It also cited this bullshit self-proclaimed "disinformation expert" who works in a program funded by the Pentagon:… 58 301 15 1,557 Glenn Greenwald retweeted Michael Tracey @mtracey 9h Another day, another round of blatantly false information peddled by "disinformation" experts. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting publishes financial statements itemizing the "state-funding" it receives and disperses to NPR. The money is literally appropriated by Congress Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D @RVAwonk 10h Just so we’re all clear: NPR is not state-funded nor do they take editorial direction from the government. Less than 1% of NPR's annual operating budget comes from government grants and other federal agencies and departments. It’s publicly funded, not state-funded. 124 893 68 3,495 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald retweeted System Update @SystemUpdate_ Apr 5 🚨TRUMP'S INDICTMENT UNSEALED How a Democratic Manhattan DA—for blatantly political reasons—transformed what is *at best* a single misdemeanor into 34 felony charges against Donald Trump. 31 169 12 537 13,629 Show this thread Glenn Greenwald retweeted Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze 15h "Holding the powerful accountable" John Lansing @johnlansing 15h NPR stands for freedom of speech & holding the powerful accountable. A vigorous, vibrant free press is essential to the health of our democracy. My full statement on the recent inaccurate Twitter label below: 75 684 33 3,533 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 13h 🇧🇷🇺🇸 Comparing the charges brought against Lula when he was leading the presidential polls to the ones brought against Trump: Comparação das acusações feitas contra Lula quando liderava as pesquisas eleitorais com as feitas contra Trump [LEGENDADO]:… [🇧🇷LEGENDADO] Trump Indictment Mirrors Lava-Jato Lawfare Against Lula This is a clip from our show SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every weeknight at 7pm ET on Rumble. You can watch the full episode for FREE here: Now availabl 35 68 4 438 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 13h The main difference: had Lula done what they claimed, those would be serious crimes. Even if Trump did everything alleged, it's not a felony. A principal diferença: se Lula tivesse feito o que alegam, seriam crimes graves. Mesmo que Trump tenha feito tudo, nem é um crime grave. 20 37 252 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 15h There is no bullshit more transparent and theatrical than the pretense that the 2 parties in DC are radically different and can't get along on anything. Dem Congressman Tom @Malinowski used to work for Human Rights Watch and the Obama State Dept. He lost in 2022. His new job: 104 689 31 2,696 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 15h Victoria Nuland worked for the Clinton Admin, then served as Dick Cheney's Senior Advisor on the Iraq War, then worked for the Hillary and Kerry State Depts under Obama, running Ukraine, now runs Ukraine for Biden. The only time she wasn't in power was under Trump. 111 462 40 1,644 26,245 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 15h Provided one stays within the boundaries of the key pieties of the establishment wings of the two parties, then they are 100% fine and acceptable. Pelosi and Schumer are as good as McConnell and Jeb Bush. It's only those who question those, in either party, on whom war is waged 31 139 5 787 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 16h My primary objection to the Trump indictment: System Update @SystemUpdate_ 16h “If you’re going to bring a case against a former president… You need to make certain that you’re doing it in the most apolitical way possible… only where there are serious charges... & a clear cut law that you can claim has been violated. None of those is true in this case.” Show this thread 61 272 6 1,322 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 16h I posted an exchange I had with a reader-critic by email regarding his critiques of my views on trans issues, which he says I very rarely discuss. I took the opportunity to explain what those views actually are. Note the civil debate among commenters:… Exchange with Critic on Trans Issues Connect with Glenn and other members of Glenn Greenwald community 57 94 14 858 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 16h The thing I most valued about digital-era journalism from my start was the ability/need to interact with readers. Monologue-journalism died. You can maintain civil debates even on the most inflammatory issues if you confine it to those invested in the community (subscribers). 14 27 1 318 Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 16h Listen to the person who is paid $30 million a year by Comcast for feeding lies to the planet's most partisan liberals -- she's the one who last night said MSNBC would refuse to allow Trump to be heard because she fears the cost of broadcasting lies: Five Times August 247 547 65 2,461 624,701 Show this thread Load more