On 02/05/2017 01:21 PM, jim bell wrote:

If your working definition (or, at least example) of a "fascist" is a person who wants to completely shut down the Internet, I doubt whether this collection of people exceeds more than 1% of America's population.

What your failing to acknowledge. Intentionally AFAICT because you're an alt-right Nazi at heart playing "Libertarian, is they want to shut it down for anyone BUT that one percent.

You want to be part of that one percent... don't you ?

I say we should bid you up on the AP market. Would be fitting if your own nasty bitcoin gambling freaks took you out.

Oh, and about the Right wanting to slaughter protesters while the protesters debate whether punching Nazis is 'ethical' or 'advantageous'

DETROIT — A county Republican leader in Michigan is under fire for seeming to suggest in his social media posts there should be a Kent State type of crackdown on violent protests like the one that erupted at a university in California last week.

But in an interview Sunday with the Detroit Free Press, Dan Adamini, the secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party, said he apologizes, supports peace and was merely trying to prevent further violence and hatred.

The Marquette resident said that he has received death threats and been harassed by people outraged over his remarks that refer to the 1970 shooting deaths of four students at Kent State University in Ohio by the Ohio National Guard. Nine other students were wounded in what many consider a turning point in public opinion about the Vietnam War.


Death threats are too good for this motherfucker.

Another Nazi, John McCain, had something truly stoopid to say about Kent State a number of years ago too.