Liberal Left Lauren Weinstein chimes in with his (least :) favourite right leaning "fake news" / Russian propaganda website (must have been left off the list - seems the poor darlings are in overload with so much fake Russian propaganda). Oh, and to be sure you get the message from the Ministry, Lauren points out that "Liberty Writers News" (all-caps unfortunately), is "this kind of deception that dreadful for-profit conspiracy sites like Liberty Writers News have been particularly adept at spreading" http://libertywritersnews.com/ Nutha won for da Winning Bookmarks collection! Yee haw y'all :D Finest advertising in the world goes on... Z ----- Forwarded message from "PFIR (People For Internet Responsibility) Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 18:00:47 -0800 From: PFIR <pfir@pfir.org> To: pfir-list@pfir.org Subject: [ PFIR ] Fake News and the Internet Shell Game Fake News and the Internet Shell Game http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/28/opinion/fake-news-and-the-internet-shell-g... The use of social media to spread political misinformation online is partly just a giant shell game. Propagandists often don't care whether everyone, or even most people, really believe the specific things they are selling (although it turns out that lots of people always do). They don't have to get you to actually believe the penny is under the wrong shell. They just have to get you confused enough so that you don't know what is true. That's still deception. And it is this kind of deception that dreadful for-profit conspiracy sites like Liberty Writers News have been particularly adept at spreading. Sure, some percentage of people actually believed the content of such sites (for instance, that Hillary Clinton was behind the death of a federal agent). But a far greater number of people came away ever so slightly more doubtful of what is true. They didn't believe Hillary Clinton ordered a hit, but they didn't disbelieve it either. It simply became part of the background, one more unsettled question. - - - --Lauren-- CRUSHING the Internet Liars: https://vortex.com/crush-net-liars STOP President Trump: https://vortex.com/stop-president-trump -- Certified (R) Deplorable (TM) Fake News (TM) Which Hunter (C) Executive Vice Secretary, The Ministry of Winning Shilling for buxom Russian swastika clad minxes (C) 1988